Monday 16 May 2011

Feeling the Love

Wow. It's been a while since I've blogged. I feel I have so much to blog about!! Monday at the school was an interesting day. We've found it interesting that sometimes teachers don't show up so we end up teaching something. On Monday, we were in computer class with the grade 9's. They were creating web pages for Mother's Day (have I said they create webpages using html formatting? and it's in English? So interesting!). Justin and I went around class looking at them and talking to the students since the teacher had left class. At the end of class, everyone had left except Justin and I and these two shy girls. They call us over to their computer and they show us a quick little webpage they had made for Justin and I. It had a picture of a dozen roses and a picture of a heart with a written part that said "For Justin and Sara from Lourdes and Natalie. Because we love them." Or something like that. I almost cried! How sweet! We said mucho gracis and then Justin asked if they wanted a hug and they both nodded so we hugged both of them and then they ran off to class. It really showed me how much of an effect we've had on them, especially since I felt like we weren't having an effect at all! It really gave me more determination to try harder to communicate with these kids. The rest of the week at the school was fairly normal. Some teachers didn't show up so we ended up teaching the kids some more. Luckily, we always have things in our back pocket.

One thing that we've found to be a challenge is sickness! We all knew we it was a possibility but I think all of us have had something. A couple of the group have had to miss some classroom days because they're so sick. I've had a bit of a stomach flu and then a cold so its taken its toll but we're all trying to keep our energy up!

Our Moma Oso (Meghan) left us today (Monday) so last week we threw her a going away. We went away to Mindo this weekend so we wanted to do something in the hotel for her. We set it up so we had a bbq on the roof and the hotel helped us set it up. We bought all the food and set some tables up on the roof and decorated them all nice. While we were waiting for her on the roof, not even knowing she was coming, we had to have a bit of a dance party because we were all so cold! She did eventually show up and was so surprised she cried! She said she couldn't remember the last time she was actually surprised and she had no idea about it. It was great! We had bbq'd corn on the cob, a salad, hamburgers, veggies and potatoes done on the bbq, wine! A good american meal. It was seriously delicious! We had another surprise for her after supper. We bought a pinata and hung it up for her and made her hit all the candy out. Ohhhh such a good night.

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