Thursday 28 April 2011

"That Guy"

Well we landed safely in Quito and have been getting settled!! but not without an interesting day yesterday. Here are some highlights from our 4:00am to 11:30pm travel day yesterday:
1. We try to check in with two bags and west jet says they're going to charge us $21.00 per second bag for each of us (and there were 8 of us with 2 bags). We were told by the travel agent we'd be allowed two bags since our US flight (American Airlines) allows them so we made WJ check into it. We waited for 20 minutes when finally WJ realizes they're wrong and we are allowed two bags. Besides this, Chris, another volunteer, was having trouble with his reservation so he had to spend about 20 mins with a total biatch. She ended up lecturing him about checking in so late (which was WJ fault anyways) and then about the ticket. He finally gets through and gets rushed through security but was still late. They had to hold the plane for him and because it had been a difficult morning for him already and he made the plane wait, his new nickname became "that guy".
2. We land in Toronto and realize we have to go across the Toronto airport and pick up our bags since WJ wasn't transferring them for us to the next flight. We leave the security area, get our bags, and wait another 1/2 hour in a security line. We got through fine and luckily had time for a quick bite to eat.
3. We land in Miami and are unsure if our bags will be transferred or not, so once again we leave the secure area to go find our bags. 4 out of 17 bags mistakenly got taken off the plane but the other 13 were transferred. It was odd but some of the members of our group weren't given boarding passes leaving Miami so we had to go and get boarding passes for them. Poor Chris has problems again and finds out he has a reservation but not a ticket. How that's possible we're not sure. I guess the biatch with WJ in Winnipeg somehow released his ticket so after another 45min of waiting he got his ticket. Luckily the security line wasn't long and we got through without incident! We even had time for a real meal and for Chris to have a much deserved drink.
4. I was the last one to board of our group in Miami and actually only had a group of about 4 people behind me. I was just waiting in line to get on the plane when I hear the people behind me saying "is that Miley Cyrus? Omg it is!" and I looked back and saw here. I immediately thought that can't be Miley Cyrus but when she looked up, it was actually her. She had a couple body guards with her and they let her board before I did. I sat down and told a girl from our group that Miley was on our plane and the girls sitting around us turned out to be from her crew. Two were dancers and one was a singer. It turns out about half the plane was her crew and she's putting on a concert here tomorrow night right beside our hotel. I'm not much of a Miley fan but it was interesting enough. Like honestly, what are the chances?! Pretty good apparently.

So after a fairly interesting day, we landed safe in Quito and were extremely excited to get here. Our hotel rooms are gorgeous and everyones been extremely friendly. Today, we had some free time in the morning so we went to the highest place in Quito and saw a panoramic view of the city. So gorgeous! I will post pics some day.. just not today. We then were able to tour two of the schools we'll be working with. The kids were very excited and the teachers and principals welcomed us in such a warm way. It's going to be an amazing experience.... once I can understand spanish. It is proving to be a bit of a challenge with the Spanish but we're all trying to learn as much as we can and we luckily have a few people in our group that are pretty fluent.

We're touring the other two schools tomorrow so I'm really looking forward to that. The city is so interesting and the fruit has been soooooo delicious so far! I'll hopefully be able to write again in a couple days. Adios!

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