Friday 29 April 2011

Treated like Royalty

Today was an interesting day, and it's only 4:00pm! We start early in the morning and have seen so much each day that yesterday Justin said "buenas tardes" thinking it was the afternoon but it was only 9:30am. Hahaha we all had a good laugh. In fact, our group has already become extremely close. We've shared a lot of laughs, to the point where I've already cried from laughing so hard a few times. Its going to be a great month I can tell already!
This is our group with the north side of Quito in the background. Back row from L to R: Chris, Flo, Dana, Me, Justin C, Andrew. Front from L to R: Justin L, Jen, and Meghan.
Today we went to visit the other two schools we're going to be working with. One of those schools is the one I'm going to be in with Justin L. The two schools we visited actually have the same teachers, principal and share students. They're space is limited so the students spend time at one school for some subjects, and at the other school for others. At first, I felt that some of the teachers and even the principal were a little resistant to us but they warmed up quickly and were soon friendly and joking with us. I think the reason they felt resistant was because yesterday the first school we went to was very well receiving. The principal was extremely friendly right away and explained he wants us to feel like family (and that's a big deal. Family is very important down here). He really wanted us to feel comfortable at home and be complete immersed in the school helping everywhere. He had really emphasized the lack of confidence and that he wants us to share our world experiences with them so they know there's more in the world than Quito. It felt so amazing to have someone think so highly of us and treat us in such a manner. So after that school and how welcoming that principal and all the teachers had been, I didn't feel that right away at the schools today and they were a little more cautious about wanting our involvement in everything. English and physical education was a big thing but any other courses they were unsure about. After a bit of conversation I think they saw our intentions are to add to what they're teaching, not to take over or create more work for them and then they warmed up. Estoy emotionada! I'm excited! The kids all seem interested in us so Monday will be an experience when we actually are at the school the entire day.
After those two schools, we went to a third school. This one has many more resources than the schools we're working with and the children seem well educated. They even offer astronomy and culinary classes! We were watching the kids dance when they invited us to dance so we spent some time dancing with them. It was a great time!!! There was also a journalist from the Mayors office there to interview us about what we're doing in Ecuador so he spent some time taking pictures of us and asking questions about the program. After that they took us into a room and fed us some lunch that the students had made. It was a traditional potato soup with avocado and cheese in it followed by a jungle fish cooked in a plantae of some sort with yucca on the side. Delish!! The students served us and we truly felt like royalty. They were all so welcoming. Now we're back at the hotel with some down time before we go see an Ecuadorian ballet and have a tour of the old city. I can hardly wait!
Although this blog is already long, I want to explain about Enrique and Carlos. Carlos is a young man that has been following us around and translating for us. He's been fantastic with all our questions about the city, spanish words, and has overall been very welcoming. Enrique is the Minister of Education for Quito (I think? Someone correct me if I'm wrong) and he has been so welcoming. He's our connection with all the schools and is our connection for the city (he's taking us to the ballet and touring the old city with us). He truly has passion for education and for this program and really believes in it.
So to end off this post, here are some pictures from the past two days:
Having dinner and some beverages in Miami after Chris's terrible day.

Virgin Mary at Pancillo. Biggest statue I've ever seen

The highest point in Quito, Pancillo, overlooking part of the city. 

The beautiful park across from the school I'll be at in Zambiza

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